Get peace. Find calm. Focus.
Learn to instantly calm yourself, regain concentration, and rest and relax. This course will give you all the meditation tools you need. Use meditation on the cushion and in daily life. Only 20 minutes a day will lower your stress, improve your health, and help you think clearly. You will learn the hows and whys behind meditation. You will learn meditations with a purpose - stress relief, sleep, goal achievement, focus, and weight loss. You will also master meditation for instant calm in 60 seconds.
Your Instructor
Hi, I am Julia Erickson, founder and creator of Jolie, a complete studio for mindfulness and wellness. The biggest challenge in meditation is starting out. Many don't know how, think they can't, or worry they are doing it wrong. I have taught hundreds to meditate -- the most type A, non stop people are my best students because I am one of them. Meditation is easy when stripped of all the woo-woo, accessible to anyone. Jump in to experience the peace, focus, and relaxation of meditation.